Monday, May 23, 2011

Well here goes something....

Well, here goes nothing.....
I have never done this before and to be honest, there are very few blogs I read regularly.

Why now.....
Well 2011 has brought about massive change in my life and I need an outlet. I walked down the aisle this year and I am realizing that marriage bring with it a lot of (un)expected bits and pieces. What are bits and pieces? Hmmmmm, the bits and pieces I am dealing with are in-laws, husband, babies or no babies, my family, friends. These all sound like the same things everyone else deals with, but check back and you will find out differently.

1 comment:

  1. hi, you left a comment on my Stockholm scarf pattern and then didn't leave an email where I could respond! please email me any questions you have about the pattern at, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. :)
